Educational Research Consultant, DEI Auditor, Keynote & Motivational Speaker

Dr. Mario Galicia Jr is the youngest of 3 born to Mexican immigrants. He was born in Los Angeles and raised in San Bernardino CA., where he graduated from San Bernardino High School in 2000. He then transferred from Moreno Valley College to UC Santa Barbara in the fall of 2006. By the summer of 2008 Mario had graduated with a dual bachelor’s degree, with honors, in Sociology and Chicana/o Studies. Later that fall he began his graduate studies in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, at UC Santa Barbara. His research focuses on the school to prison pipeline and finding solutions to combat school discipline issues, particularly those borne from, or influenced by zero tolerance policies. Mario spent five (5) years observing a gang and violence intervention program in the central coast of California. Through his research he has found positive, and constructive, ways to relay information between schools and students and their families.

Mario is also an avid keynote and motivational speaker that has delivered three (3) student commencement speeches: (Riverside Community College (2005); UC- Santa Barbara (2008 & 2015). He is a gifted classroom educator as Dr. Galicia was awarded the prestigious UC- Santa Barbara Graduate Student Teaching Award in the spring of 2015. Out of hundreds of applicants, only 4 students are awarded this accolade every year. Later that spring, Dr. Galicia became the first member of his family to graduate with a Ph. D.


DEI Audits

Customized DEI assessments and audits conducted by Dr. Mario Galicia, in conjunction with his network of DEI experts. You receive an assessment, DEI report and a planned closing event to highlight DEI data and showcase future plans for your organization.


With 3 student commencement address (Riverside City College (20050 and UC- Santa Barbara (2008 & 2015), and many other keynotes under his belt, Dr. Galicia offers a unique and relatable experience as a keynote / motivational speaker. Dr. Galicia knows how to connect and inspire with any audience.

Educational Research Consulting

As an educational consultant, Dr. Galicia works with students, parents, and schools to improve educational experiences, facilities, academic outcomes, and their community, at- large. This may involve developing an assessment for your organization, or school; creating new policies and procedures. In addition to providing consulting assessment for your students financial aid / or admissions processes, Dr. Galicia can assist you create a multi- year vision for your students to follow in their pursuit of their academic goals.

“Dr. Galicia provided us with a wonderfully inspiring and relatable student talk. He also worked with our parents and provided them invaluable information to prepare them for college admissions and beyond.”

— Cynthia A.


Body &


Properly training your mind, body and soul is an effective way to guarantee personal, and career success. Dr. Galicia provides educational workshops throughout the year, and across the state of California, geared at providing students, and their parents, the proper tools to thrive in any environment.

A Constant Source of Motivation

Whether in a lecture, or keynote, Dr. Galicia provides a one- of- a- kind motivational experience. Drawing on his personal lived and educational experiences, he finds ways of connecting to his audience, while providing invaluable insight as well.

Interested in some Educational Consulting, or Keynote?

Get in touch with me, the meeting is free.